Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wild Animals in Nepal

The animals which spend their entire life in the jungle are called wild animals. Some of them are tigers, leopard, lions, monkeys, foxes, deer and so on. Their categories spread into various species and groups. Some of them are carnivorous, some are herbivorous while others are omnivorous. They are also categorized into terrestrial, amphibian, arboreal, aerial and aquatic.Most of them are directly or indirectly advantageous for us.

Wild animals absolutely prove to be advantages  for us.Firstly,to preserve them, we have to preserve the jungle. If we preserve  the jungle, the naturall calamities such as flood, landslides,desertification, soil erosion etc. We can preserve other natural resources. Similarly, we can lure foreign tourists if we provide them opportunities to see wild animals. By the result we can earn foreign currency from them. Our ecology and environment can be kept in balance by preserving wild animals.

 Nowadays most of the wild animals are declined. Some of the animals are endangered. An animal cannot survive if its habitat is destroyed. People clear the jungle for agriculture and settlement. Furthermore people kill the wild animals for various purposes indifferently and mercilessly. We can preserve wild animals by preserving the forest, running afforestation opening wildlife reserves and national parks and making strict rules to prohibit the hunting of wild animals and birds.

Village Development in Nepal

           Nepal is a country of villages. Most of the area of the countries is occupied by the villages. In Nepal the development of the villages significantly contribute to the development of the entire nation.

        Nepal is known as an agro-based country. Most of the villagers are farmers. Villagers are found to be honest co-operative hard working trust-worthy and peace loving.
     The development of the nation depends on the development of villages. In order to develop them all the possible facilities should be provided there. Firstly, the facilities of transportation, communication, electricity, irrigation, improved seeds fertilizers etc. should be provided to all the people. Similarly, other facilities like education, government services, job opportunities, factories, etc. should be decentralized. Government should give high priority on agricultural development.
 If the villages are developed we can enjoy the real flavor of real development. If they are well developed they will be better places than towns in all aspects.

Tourism in Nepal

Our country Nepal is rich in natural beauties gifts resources and wonders. There are many places and things of cultural historical and religious importance. Mt. Everest the highest peak in the world lies in Nepal. We are proud of it. The snow-capped mountain peaks, beautiful water resources, the green forests of hypnotic beauty, flora and fauna etc. tempt many tourist every year.

           Nepal is known as a suitable place to promote tourism. The nature has given us many things which are liked by tourists. Some tourist come here to enjoy the natural beauties and wonders. Some of them visit our country for trekking and climbing mountains. Some want to learn something about our history cultural, religion and so on. Some come here to enjoy their holidays.

          Tourism plays a significant role in Nepal. Firstly, we can earn foreign currency which can be used in our country development. Many people have got employed in the offices belonging to the tourism. Cottage industries, hotel industries would gain more profit. The fame and glory of our nation get widened because they convey their achievements to their friends and relatives. So we must promote tourism in Nepal.